Thursday, June 02, 2005


I was on the tele-prompt this week. I was a little concerned as i hadn't used the tele-prompt before the assessment. However i had asked some of the other proddies that had done the tele-prompt about what to expect. The task of setting it up was very straight forward. The only problem I found was where i could put it to have the best vantage point of the action so that i could see all the people I needed to and the cues they were being given. I found the floor manager kept me informed for the most part about where we were in the script and production.

The hardest part about the tele-prompting was getting the script right on the prompting software. The spelling errors and lines not being left were easy to pick up as were missing sentences. The hard things to pick up were words spelt wrong but still made a real word and words with an 's' missing. However i was able to pick all of these up after the second run through. I had to tell the talent a few times when a word was grossly miss pronounced.

The pace of the tele-prompt I found was hard to gauge because of the varying speeds at which it was read. I found that most of the crew seemed to be doing well. There were a few times the camera people needed assistance but by the end they were doing well. I found this studio position to be a little boring and were I doing it for a few weeks, i would be getting very restless. I think I am beginning to prefer positions in the control room to those on the floor but it is only early days yet.


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